Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Preconception For Women and Partners

Welcome to our blog!

We are a group of students at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. We are studying Community Health Education and are in a Program Development in Community Health Education class. As a group we are to provide a program for individuals of a specific population. Since we are a group of all females we decided to provide a program for people, specifically women, about how to care and prepare yourself and your partner for pregnancy. We wanted to touch on all topics from family planning to knowing what to do if you unexpectedly become pregnant. We will be soon providing more information based on your needs. Feel free to post questions or comments that we can provide for you some more information. We will also be having guest authors in the areas of nutrition, exercise, medical professionals (OBGYNs), and hopefully many more to answer or add on to your comments!


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  3. I feel that what I need more information on as a mother, and a woman that may be trying to get pregnant again in the future is information on alternative ways of birthing, such as water births and home births. I feel that this information will be very helpful. As well as what types of exercise I should be doing to increase my chances of getting pregnant.

  4. Hi all you fabulous women! We all need to educate each other about staying healthy and helping other women stay healthy.

    Is there a way to donate fresh fruit and vegetables to food pantries for poor women?

  5. I like the comments on alternative birthing techniques. We as a group haven't really touched on that subject at all and that would be a great topic to discuss seeing more and more people in general are looking at alternative medicine. And the idea about donating fresh food to those women who are in need would be a great way to keep all women eating healthier options, at least by us there are a few food pantries that we know of and creating a program like that would be great! We will be sure to look in to both of these comments.

    Thank you both for your comments!

  6. Here are a few links to a some more information about Alternative Birthing Methods:



    As far as food pantry's go here is one we found in LaCrosse, WI:


    Any other questions or comments feel free to post!! Thanks again!

  7. Please log about your main area of interest within preconception care. We are interested to learn more about this dimension of women's health. Thank you!

  8. I am interested in learning about ways to exercise during pregnancy and what is considered appropriate weight gain.

  9. I would be interested in having information on how long a woman should be off of birth control pills before attemping to get pregnant?

  10. Where can I obtain information on what type of vitamins and what types of foods would be beneficial for a woman who is thinking of trying to get pregnant?

  11. I would like more information on if taking birth control pills can influence your ability to get pregnant later in life when you are not taking the pills?

  12. Here is a Mayo-Clinic site that answers some questions that were asked about taking oral contraceptives. Hope this gives you some insight to your questions!
